During the Month of October which is ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’,
Auto Craftsmen in Montpelier and more than 100 other Independent Auto Repair Shops across the US are once again raising funds for the new breast cancer vaccine as part of the 'Brakes for Breast' fundraiser.

Dr. Vincent Tuohy has spent the past 14 years working on a breast cancer vaccine that would both prevent the disease and keep it from recurring. This preventative measure would use a woman’s own immune system to protect herself from developing the disease.
Dr. Tuohy is an immunologist at the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute and will head up the company, called Shield Biotech, as the Chief Science Officer, Shield Biotech, so named because the vaccine it is developing will act as a defense against breast cancer, is a spinoff-company created by Cleveland Clinic Innovations, the commercialization arm of the hospital system.
In Spring 2017, Dr. Tuohy’s research program was awarded funding to launch a greatly anticipated clinical trial to begin testing the vaccine. The goals of this trial will be to determine proper dosage as well as safety parameters of the vaccine including risks and side effects. The first Phase I trial will focus exclusively on women who have recently recovered from treatment for triple negative breast cancer, the most lethal form of this disease. If this trial indicates that the vaccine has an acceptable safety profile, it will be followed by a second Phase I trial on women who have had an elective mastectomy to reduce their breast cancer risk. This second trial will focus on the safety of the vaccine for use in healthy women and achieving the best possible long-term health outcomes. We will continue to aggressively pursue opportunities to improve and refine the vaccine, making it a proactive, primary prevention tool for breast health.
Auto Craftsmen's Owner Amy Mattinat is a breast cancer survivor: "I was fortunate to have found my breast cancer early, had surgery and treatment and it's not returned. I love the idea that a vaccine [like the polio vaccine] could be available that would be end breast cancer."
Newest Information on the Breast Cancer Vaccine
For more information about the Brakes For Breast Nationwide Fundraiser go to www.brakesforbreasts.org
Brakes For Breasts fundraiser is different from any other breast cancer fundraising campaigns. 100% of what we donate goes directly to the research!
As part of the fundraiser, Auto Craftsmen will be giving away a FREE Brake Inspection [$47 value] AND if needed, will be giving away FREE (quality) brake pads or shoes. The customer simply pays for the other parts necessary to complete the brake job and the labor to do the repairs. Then Auto Craftsmen will donate 10% of the brake job directly to Dr. Vincent Tuohy & the Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Vaccine Research Fund.
2017 marks the seventh year for the Brakes For Breasts fundraiser & Auto Craftsmen's sixth year
2011 - 5 shops in Ohio raised $10,000
2012 - 27 shops in 17 states raised $32,848
2013 - 66 independent auto repair shops in 27 states raised $66,499
2014 - 143 independent auto repair shops in 29 states raised $115,236.53
2015 - 174 independent auto repair shops in 32 states raised $141,868
2016 - 131 independent auto repair shops in 35 states raised $125,867
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