Posted on 11/10/2011

Correct Weight = 57 lbs 1st place: A FREE Club Card worth $517.99 of automotive discounts 53.25 lbs / Barb Colf 2nd place: a $50.00 Gift Certificate to The Black Door Bar & Bistro in Montpelier. 53 lbs / Anthony Otis
Posted on 3/3/2011

It’s been a long, cold snowy winter so far and we still have March and April to get through. This time of year seems to be hard for many folks. I wish I had enough money to close the shop for a week and take my staff to somewhere sunny and warm. But since I don’t, we have been busy doing shop-projects. This years winter project has been, re-organizing the parts room. Thanks to one of our part vendors we received a bunch of shelving. We are organizing a bunch of the parts that we stock for your cars. We have 3 shelves filled and have 1½ left to fill. I love organizing things and getting rid of clutter, and this has been a fabulous change in my world! I also love it that we now have room in the parts room to store all our specialized machines to keep them clean! My next project is to re-organize all the shelves and cupboards in the shop
Posted on 9/29/2010
Auto Craftsmen is so excited that they finally found a quality non-toxic commercial grade cleaner that that has passed our stringent seal of approval. We have tested many green products , but have not been happy with the quality of cleaning that they provided… that is until we found ES71 Super H202 CLEANER / DEGREASER made by Enviro-Solutions. This product does a good job, and for the chemically sensitive, does not leave behind that soapy, chemical smell that most cleaning products do. It does not equal the cleaning strength of our regular cleaning products, but it does a darn good job – one that we can stand behind and that will “WOW” someone who could not otherwise have their vehicle cleaned. So now we are able to offer our clients a choice of two types of cleaning products: 1. Super Duty2. Green and Clean E ... read more
Posted on 9/27/2010
“It Only Happens Once Every Thousand Years” – this year’s October 10th- 10/10/2010 We thought this was soooo cool, we decided to have some fun with the Number10 and run a special that would be truly special! With the cold temperatures headed our way, and windows being rolled up… and you being ‘stuck’ sitting in your summer debris, It’s a GREAT idea to get your vehicle cleaned on the inside. Rain and sleet, snow and ice, salt and sand, will be attacking the outside of your vehicle…. It’s a GREAT idea to get a good wax coating to protect the outside! Be one of the 1st ten callers (223-2253) and book a Complete Detail with any Service or Repair: Starting at only $110.10 A Complete Detail usually starts at $199.74 If you act quickly you can save ... read more